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Is anyone teetotal? - Printable Version

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RE: Is anyone teetotal? - John1.4 - 06-08-2014

i was teetotal until the first year of uni (20yo) never really liked the taste of it, and i never got to the stage of being able to drink more than 4 pints or so (just start to feel crap), even then it was cider, beer/lager is still a no no, as it stands now i get maybe 2 pints a month (ish) maybe a glass of wine or two, bit of whisky on special occasions, but i work early nearly every day of the week, and when i'm not working i have the kids over, so can't drink then lol

i'll be having a few this sat/sun when my brothers come to visit, (late birthday lol) but not really fussed about being out late nowadays that was definately a uni thing Tongue

i have problems with my left hip and knee sometimes, broke my hip when i was 5ish and apparently was walking round on it for about a week before anyone noticed i wasn't taking the piss of my dad who'd just done his back, my knee just suffers from my weight now, but i'm going to the gym once a week doing about an hour on the bike (set low), and trying to walk more if i don't need to use the car (i work fast food so i'm also hideously unfit)

RE: Is anyone teetotal? - Kezzieboy - 06-08-2014


RE: Is anyone teetotal? - THE_Liam - 06-08-2014

This weekend won't be easy with the rugby and my birthday on Monday but I'm sticking at it. Still not had a drink...

Is anyone teetotal? - devils_fuel - 06-08-2014

Well done mate Smile

Liam reward yourself every week for not drinking, just like the whole quitting smoking thing - that helped me Smile.

For your birthday test the water and go to the pub but only drink alcohol free free beer??

RE: Is anyone teetotal? - THE_Liam - 06-08-2014

Well I'm off to the pub tomorrow after work, not decided whether to try have a couple and call it a night or just now bother...

RE: Is anyone teetotal? - Danny2009 - 06-08-2014

Don't bother mate your doing well Smile

Chuck the money you would spend in the caravan fund Smile