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Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. - Printable Version

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RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - impotentials - 28-06-2015

(28-06-2015, 05:39 PM)welshpug Wrote: "look great and cheap"   are really not two things I look for when buying a tyre!!!

Cheap is always good. Comparing them to the big brands they are affordable to the everyman. great, Ihave heard from a mate of mine they stick like shit. Just did a ring trip on them in an sti wrx and recommended them to me.

ie, great and cheap......

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - Piggy - 29-06-2015

Federal 595 RS-R??

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - ozonehostile - 29-06-2015

(29-06-2015, 07:13 AM)Piggy Wrote: Federal 595 RS-R??

Smallest size they do is 205 in 16" Sad

This is what I'm looking at with the Michelins fully inflated 
[Image: 20150629_132950_zpspar3iowr.jpg]
Clears by a hairs width but I can see it catching once driving :/

With a 195 tyre the 5mm difference each side should give me ideal fitment and luckily yokohama seem to make decent tyres in the size I need (at a great cost) so looks like I might be on the team dynamics for pugfest since they have decent tyres still while I empty my wallet next payday for some rubber on the compomotives 

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - welshpug - 29-06-2015

what spacers and width have you got?

also, don't run it so fecking low Tongue

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - Dum-Dum - 29-06-2015

Arch roller, come and borrow mine.

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - Piggy - 29-06-2015

raise the ride height, thus improving the handling and being able to run some decent tyres!?

That and get rid of that lip!!

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - Matt-Rallye - 30-06-2015

(29-06-2015, 08:39 PM)Piggy Wrote: raise the ride height, thus improving the handling and being able to run some decent tyres!?

That and get rid of that lip!!

Zakks car handles absolutely spot on exactly the way it is. im sure landrover spec ride height is fine for a pleasure cruise but for some proper handling you need it low, stiff and wide which is exactly what hes got.

Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - Razorback_Rob - 30-06-2015

(30-06-2015, 08:31 AM)Matt-Rallye Wrote:
(29-06-2015, 08:39 PM)Piggy Wrote: raise the ride height, thus improving the handling and being able to run some decent tyres!?

That and get rid of that lip!!

low, stiff and wide

Sorry Matt but. Giggity.

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - Matt-Rallye - 30-06-2015

(30-06-2015, 09:10 AM)Razorback_Rob Wrote:
(30-06-2015, 08:31 AM)Matt-Rallye Wrote:
(29-06-2015, 08:39 PM)Piggy Wrote: raise the ride height, thus improving the handling and being able to run some decent tyres!?

That and get rid of that lip!!

low, stiff and wide

Sorry Matt but. Giggity.

lol did make myself chuckle whilst typing it Tongue But its true.

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - welshpug - 30-06-2015

low does not equate "handles fine"

may handle like a go kart yeah, which is fine if you like shit handling vehicles!

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - Piggy - 30-06-2015

agree with welshy here...

Low doesnt mean handling well.

Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - susiebennett1208 - 30-06-2015

I agree low is good I bet it handles well is pretty low but with them arches roll sooner rather than later if you treasure your side wall trust me not worth it you can destroy tires in one drive if the edge digs in I would grind out the metal completely and get some small over fenders will look sweeeeeeeeeet too

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - Matt-Rallye - 01-07-2015

(30-06-2015, 05:11 PM)welshpug Wrote: low does not equate "handles fine"

may handle like a go kart yeah, which is fine if you like shit handling vehicles!

(30-06-2015, 05:47 PM)Piggy Wrote: agree with welshy here...

Low doesnt mean handling well.

You both crack me up lol

I know what handles well and what doesn't thanks, its not an irish spec dturbo with cut springs and sat on the bump stops! Its got properly well fettled suspension and truly handles incredibly well on the road! IMO its the perfect height regardless of how it looks.

But i suppose because its not '40mm and cyclones' it cant handle that well lol

Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - Razorback_Rob - 01-07-2015

I completely agree with Matt. It's incredible how this thing handles. Flat everywhere, everything is uprated and that height sits it so perfectly when blasting it about (even in places Mr Rowbötham shouldn't be :p) his TD's sat perfectly but unfortunately with spacers allowing brake clearance he's having to rethink the wheel clearance but I'm confident the tyres he has in his mind will be perfect with no scrub [emoji108]

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - ozonehostile - 01-07-2015

Lol, don't check the forum for a couple of days and all this happens. 

Anyway, if this was a daily being used to go down all manner of shitty commuting roads then yeah 40mm would probably be better but for what I use it for, nice weather, nice roads then I'll stick by the ride height being spot on. 
The clearance issues are purely the convex sidewall on the Michelins and now with a set of yokohama tyres priced up in a more suitable size it'll be perfect (hopefully) 

But thanks for the input everyone Smile 

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - ozonehostile - 14-07-2015

Another amazing year at pugfest, only slight issue being the last minute tyres being pretty slippy and losing grip in some pretty vital places which lost vital seconds, but the car certainly feels better than it did last year, far sharper
and more turn response Smile 

From the in car footage I make my first run to have been bang on a minute and got quicker as the tyres warmed up but the Mrs forgot to start the timer on the rest of the runs after a squeaky bum moment coming out of the esses lmao

Anyway, here's how the car was looking, sorry for abandoning the oc stand but I was offered a centre paddock place that was too good to miss aha. 

Roll on the next oc outing! 

[Image: IMG_20150712_223925_zpszwtoecdz.jpg]
[Image: IMG_20150712_185652_zps0wjmmcbp.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20150713_150815_zpsyqxq3jes.jpg]
[Image: FB_IMG_1436728057235_zpsoqwqyn0u.jpg]
[Image: DSC_0253_zpsuwwcysd6.jpg]
[Image: FB_IMG_1436724523705_zpszxllo4s1.jpg]

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - ozonehostile - 24-07-2015

Some new shinies arrived the other day :Big Grin
Powerflex black series p and roller bushes, I recently sold my roller bearing bushes not wanting to go too extreme on a predominantly road going car so these seemed a good compromise and completes my powerflex product collection for the 306 lmao
[Image: IMG_20150722_195618_zpstay9l1ld.jpg]

Recently since fitting the compomotives ive found that the wheels on the rear  drivers side seem to be about a mm closer to the arch than the other side, I've had it tracked and everything lines up fine and the beam is still spot on for camber and toe so I'm puzzled. 

One theory I keep coming back to is that there must be some factory tolerance range for beam mounting holes on the shell? And since the original beams are rubber mounted this must mean some sort of give in beam position? 

I'm wandering if I'm just noticing it now as I've dropped the ride height to the top of the wheels and solid mounted the beam. 

Any thoughts?

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - mr_fish - 24-07-2015

Didn't cully have some issue with the beam on his '6 that needed adjustment on the bolts?

I could be wrong there though.

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - ozonehostile - 24-07-2015

(24-07-2015, 12:53 PM)mr_fish Wrote: Didn't cully have some issue with the beam on his '6 that needed adjustment on the bolts?

I could be wrong there though.

Holes in the boot floor needed adjusting? That fits in with my thoughts about factory tolerances

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - procta - 24-07-2015

I love those wheels!!

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - mr_fish - 24-07-2015

(24-07-2015, 02:11 PM)ozonehostile Wrote:
(24-07-2015, 12:53 PM)mr_fish Wrote: Didn't cully have some issue with the beam on his '6 that needed adjustment on the bolts?

I could be wrong there though.

Holes in the boot floor needed adjusting? That fits in with my thoughts about factory tolerances

Think there is a minimal scope to actually adjust the beam on the factory holes. Though, as said, I could be talking utter bollocks. But seem to remember something.

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - ozonehostile - 05-09-2015

Barely driven this since pugfest lol.  I did get around to fitting the power flex wishbone bushes though, will test drive after the mot on Monday Smile

[Image: IMG_20150829_145859_zpshuy9vxqk.jpg]

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - ozonehostile - 12-09-2015

Finally had time to get the tracking sorted properly by my mate who I know will do it properly. 

[Image: 20150912_130951_zpsvx7auccg.jpg]

New bushes doing their thing but I'm still puzzled about my rear beam readings. 

To me it seems to have a lot of toe in and still have the issue of the one side being slightly closer to the arch than the other but it drives spot on straight and doesn't crab. 

Maybe time to rebuild the beam over winter or am I worrying about nothing?

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - cully - 12-09-2015

bent rear stub axle?

yes ive got the same with mine, off side runs closer to the inner arch than the n/side
there is no adjustment on the mount holes to be able to move the beam on the solid mounts
with the 16" rims with the car loaded mine just rubs the o/side arch liner

dont see any problems on the tracking of the rear since i replaced the bent stub axle Wink

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - ozonehostile - 12-09-2015

(12-09-2015, 12:44 PM)cully Wrote: bent rear stub axle?

yes ive got the same with mine, off side runs closer to the inner arch than the n/side
there is no adjustment on the mount holes to be able to move the beam on the solid mounts
with the 16" rims with the car loaded mine just rubs the o/side arch liner

dont see any problems on the tracking of the rear since i replaced the bent stub axle Wink

Glad I'm not the only one then, I wonder if by solid mounting the beam we've met the extremes of the factory tolerance that would be taken out by the oem rubber mounts? Lowering also probably highlights the issue by being closer to the arches 

Guess there isn't a huge amount I can do about it, it drives spot on so guess that's good enough Smile

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - welshpug - 12-09-2015

the beams will shift a bit if you slacken the bolts and lever it about.

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - cully - 12-09-2015

(12-09-2015, 01:35 PM)welshpug Wrote: the beams will shift a bit if you slacken the bolts and lever it about.

mine wont as i have tried  Wink

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - welshpug - 12-09-2015

not hard enough :p

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - cully - 12-09-2015

lol maybe slot the fixing holes first Wink

RE: Ozonehostiles Blurple gti6. Compomotive content! - ozonehostile - 07-11-2015

couple of updates:

firstly in the month I was using this as my daily on an 80 mile commute the rear shocks died whilst overtaking a car leading to some very clenched moments as the rear end started to get a bit loose. On further inspection it seems the shocks over compressed and lost pressure. Going to upgrade to some b8's or better whilst its off the road for winter.

And on the subject of off the road for winter, I have everything i need to finally fit some more throttle butterflies Wink

watch this space, but shhhh don't let the mrs know Wink