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Anyone fancy a brand new 306? - Printable Version

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Anyone fancy a brand new 306? - kentiiboii - 14-05-2012

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrnTgoTr ... ata_player
Here we go.

Re: Anyone fancy a brand new 306? - puglove - 14-05-2012

Gotta be some ones collection? or peugeots collection , but there are sum uber rare cars in there and more than one of each in some of them, 2 T16's! i want one lol

Re: Anyone fancy a brand new 306? - 4WayDiablo - 14-05-2012

Yeah its fake iirc

Re: Anyone fancy a brand new 306? - puglove - 14-05-2012

4WayDiablo Wrote:Yeah its fake iirc

Dont think its fake it pretty obv all them cars were there, but........................ i dont think its peugeots old factory as i said above someones collection

Edit: or just a collection peugeot has stashed somewhere, most of them looked to be film cars/rally/really old rare ons

Anyone fancy a brand new 306? - kentiiboii - 14-05-2012

4WayDiablo Wrote:Yeah its fake iirc
how can it be fake though bothered obviously them cars there. Who can really afford all them?

Re: Anyone fancy a brand new 306? - C.A.R. - 14-05-2012

The fact that it looks like a car park and those cars have been kept in very good condition (ie. none have a thick layer of dust on or look particularly dirty) suggests that they were probably stored somewhere during a museum refurbishment or prior to a car show of some description.

Either way, that cabriolet was the giveaway. Shiny paint and the top down = not been there for long at all!

Car that stood out most to me was the Dakar-looking 405s. They look so epic. Couldn't see any Maxi 306s Sad

Re: Anyone fancy a brand new 306? - Scott - 14-05-2012

4WayDiablo Wrote:Yeah its fake iirc
[Image: 567d4330074c3b1bfe5065581ea096db.jpg]

Re: Anyone fancy a brand new 306? - Niall - 14-05-2012

kentiiboii Wrote:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrnTgoTr1t8&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Here we go.

That's not the one. The one I saw was like a car park full of old cars all in sections e.g 20 106s, 20 206s etc. nothing special about them like those. Just standard cars but a few of different trim levels and different colours.

What I would give for a brand new nana 106 gti...

Re: Anyone fancy a brand new 306? - Craig-o - 14-05-2012

The original one has been on and off ebay and stuff for months and months....just a typo I reckon

Anyone fancy a brand new 306? - kentiiboii - 14-05-2012

The one I posted also has the original 406 from tre French film taxi.

Re: Anyone fancy a brand new 306? - puglove - 14-05-2012

c.a.r. Wrote:The fact that it looks like a car park and those cars have been kept in very good condition (ie. none have a thick layer of dust on or look particularly dirty) suggests that they were probably stored somewhere during a museum refurbishment or prior to a car show of some description.

Either way, that cabriolet was the giveaway. Shiny paint and the top down = not been there for long at all!

Car that stood out most to me was the Dakar-looking 405s. They look so epic. Couldn't see any Maxi 306s Sad

A few of them do have a good layer of dust over the wind screen which would suggest to me that they had been stood for some time. But it is an odd set uo as i spotted a 107 and a 206cc so there were some recent cars there to

Re: Anyone fancy a brand new 306? - ginge191 - 14-05-2012

Has no one seen my reply :|

Re: Anyone fancy a brand new 306? - 4WayDiablo - 14-05-2012

OK when I said fake I meant not what its making out to be.. as car pointed out