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Cuttting & plumes of white smoke (Diesel?) - Printable Version

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RE: Cuttting & plumes of white smoke (Diesel?) - mcglynn - 09-10-2013

I didnt swap them one for one as I didn't know if this was a good idea or not, so just out my 044 ones back in.

Back to pre injection knock and the car struggles to even pull the 4k rpm in 3rd gear. Seems really reluctant to rev under load now, in comparison with the 076 ones

RE: Cuttting & plumes of white smoke (Diesel?) - Poodle - 09-10-2013

Fair enough, definitely the injectors causing the cutting out then i guess... I don't see why swapping them out one by one wouldn't work.

RE: Cuttting & plumes of white smoke (Diesel?) - mcglynn - 09-10-2013

The guy met me today with two injectors to switch with the others I had, worked a treat so not sure which was the culprit.

Cleaned the fpr while I was at it, cars running like a dream now touch wood.

Now time for a cooler and a map Smile

RE: Cuttting & plumes of white smoke (Diesel?) - Poodle - 10-10-2013

Good stuff, hope it stays that way haha!

RE: Cuttting & plumes of white smoke (Diesel?) - mcglynn - 10-10-2013

Yeah man, he has access to an ultra sonic cleaner too, hence the cleanliness of the injectors. Told me to hold onto the spare 2 injectors aswell in order to make sure there was no bother with the 4 now fitted. Nice to buy from a genuine person!

Has access to planet aswell so said to keep in touch with him if I need a hand. Sorted me some fuel lines as my plastic leak off connector was leaking too! Chuffed

RE: Cuttting & plumes of white smoke (Diesel?) - Poodle - 10-10-2013

That's awesome, what a hero! Will have to keep his number, sounds like a useful person to know lol.

RE: Cuttting & plumes of white smoke (Diesel?) - mcglynn - 10-10-2013

Yeah definately man! Appreciate the help on this im sure youll hear from me again lol

RE: Cuttting & plumes of white smoke (Diesel?) - Poodle - 10-10-2013

No problem bud, glad i could help. Smile