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Gta5 - Printable Version

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Re: RE: Gta5 - bashbarnard - 13-09-2014

(12-09-2014, 08:08 PM)WiNgNuTz Wrote: Holy thread revival Batman!!! Seems rockstar have finally decided to announce a release date for the PC version.....27th Jan 2015! Angry
:o thats mental. Ive been wanting to play it for ages

RE: Gta5 - WiNgNuTz - 13-09-2014

It's only days away from its years anniversary of release on ps3/xbox360! Considering GTA began life on PC, I really can't believe they've kept us waiting so long for this one! Censored

RE: Gta5 - WiNgNuTz - 03-01-2015

Bumping this, as release day is not far off now.....anyone preordered the PC version? Are we gonna get a 306oc crew going? Big Grin

RE: Gta5 - bigcheez2k3 - 04-01-2015

I'm looking to get it. Finally completed the 360 version last month.

New computer is being made soon but waiting out to hear the requirements of this just in case.

RE: Gta5 - bashbarnard - 04-01-2015

Whens pc version here?

RE: Gta5 - WiNgNuTz - 04-01-2015

Pc version is released on 27th of this month, my gf is gonna pay for my copy apparently as she doesn't get me much for Christmas. Wink

Are you preordering Sam? I've decided I'm gonna get my copy through Amazon. £34.99, plus the £1,000,000 in game cash bonus for preordering, and if you select first class delivery, they say it'll be delivered on release day. ThumbsUp

RE: Gta5 - bigcheez2k3 - 04-01-2015

I'll probably buy through Steam, easier.

RE: Gta5 - WiNgNuTz - 04-01-2015

Good luck with that then. I was planning to have a copy delivered, then redeem the code through steam. Wink

Unless the preorder becomes available in the next week or so on steam, I'm sticking with Amazon. [emoji14]

RE: Gta5 - bigcheez2k3 - 04-01-2015

Need to make a computer before it gets here anyway as mine won't be up to it I don't think. Mostly because of the processor though, pretty sure everything else is fine.

RE: Gta5 - WiNgNuTz - 04-01-2015

Fair enough. I don't think mine will play it on max settings, but shouldn't have to turn it down to much with some luck. Wink

RE: Gta5 - bigcheez2k3 - 04-01-2015

I'm one of those that likes everything to be at max. GTA IV was so badly optimized I have to have it turned down as it rapes the CPU. My GPU was only at 35% with everything on.

RE: Gta5 - PUGNUT_XS - 04-01-2015

I am addicted to gta 5. I am on ps3. I have my own crew and even the I phone app. I have not played anything else since getting gta 5 

We should have our own pug crew lol.

I need a life lol

RE: Gta5 - Grant - 04-01-2015

I've got gta5 online literally a week or two ago and am hooked. I spend most my time in stitches laughing.

RE: Gta5 - 7057sam - 04-01-2015

Can only play first person on pc???

I used to play with my mates quite alot,usually involves going to the airbase.

RE: Gta5 - Niall - 04-01-2015

I assume you can only play online on the same platform your using? e.g we can't have a 306oc crew if I'm on a xbox 360 and someone else is on a PS4

RE: Gta5 - bigcheez2k3 - 04-01-2015

(04-01-2015, 01:26 PM)7057sam Wrote: Can only play first person on pc???

I used to play with my mates quite alot,usually involves going to the airbase.

No, you can play it using the usual view too. Unless you mean is the first person view only on PC then no, the recent Xbox One and PS4 releases also featured first person.

RE: Gta5 - Toms306 - 04-01-2015

Correct Niall. Doesn't even work across Xbox 360 and Xbox One unfortunately.

RE: Gta5 - WiNgNuTz - 29-03-2015

Itching for the release of this on PC now, only 15 days, 3 hours, 15 minutes and some seconds before it'll be available to download!

Preordered through Steam in the end, as the Amazon listing wasn't showing anything about the extra bonuses for preordering, so it's all paid for now, and I'm just waiting for it to go live!

Hoping and praying that Rockstar don't decide to delay it yet again!

Also, if anyone that plays on PC doesn't already have me as a friend on Steam, feel free to add me up, Wingnutz2! Let's get a 306oc crew together before release date! Wink

RE: Gta5 - Toms306 - 29-03-2015

Hope you're disappointed with the online when you do eventually get it, I am tbh. Sad Though the story missions were good.

RE: Gta5 - WiNgNuTz - 29-03-2015

Tbh, i'm gonna spend about a week or so just playing the single player anyway, give the servers a chance to catch up with the sudden influx of PC gamers playing online! lol

RE: Gta5 - Paul_13 - 29-03-2015

(29-03-2015, 08:07 PM)Toms306 Wrote: Hope you're disappointed with the online when you do eventually get it, I am tbh. Sad Though the story missions were good.

I find the online mode a bit hard to get on with.
I wish they'd bring out an expansion pack for the story mode

RE: Gta5 - bigcheez2k3 - 29-03-2015

Thing that annoys me about the online mode is randomers killing you. It's pretty good if you get on with a few people you know, can just load up a car and go crazy.

RE: Gta5 - Toms306 - 29-03-2015

Yeah I completely agree there tbh! Just seem to wait for ages for someone to send a random invite, try to join and the server just crashes... Dodgy Then when you do get onto a mission there doesn't seem to be proper direction anyway. Confused

Plus I find you can't really do anything online on your own. I know that's sort of the point with multiplayer lol, but with CoD you don't have to wear a headset or be properly part of the team to have a decent game. If you're shit at it (as I am) doesn't matter, the team doesn't really suffer. But in GTA you're responsible for the whole team failing if you're shit. Well that's not really my idea of fun!

I wouldn't pay for a story mission expansion pack, but yeah if it was free I'd go for it. Big Grin

Also if anyone's on Xbox One and fancy's adding me, PM me your gamertag... I don't have any 'friends' on there haha. Oh and it'd be a bonus if you're a 15 year old that plays CoD a lot....that's sort of my online gaming level. lol

RE: Gta5 - bigcheez2k3 - 29-03-2015

Playing online is just like life, people are idiots.

RE: Gta5 - Connor - 29-03-2015

Anyone play on PS4?

RE: Gta5 - r3k1355 - 30-03-2015

(29-03-2015, 08:39 PM)bigcheez2k3 Wrote: Thing that annoys me about the online mode is randomers killing you. It's pretty good if you get on with a few people you know, can just load up a car and go crazy.

Yo thats me.
Spend many hours killing random people for the lulz.

(29-03-2015, 08:46 PM)bigcheez2k3 Wrote: Playing online is just like life, people are idiots.

and it crashes all the time, which is amazingly frustrating, or randomly stops, or has annoying bugs.

I've heard the Xbox online is much more stable than PS3 online tho??

RE: Gta5 - Toms306 - 30-03-2015

Dunno who told you that, the Xbox online is just as bad...

RE: Gta5 - bashbarnard - 30-03-2015

Need to get this on pc so I can join the carnage

RE: Gta5 - WiNgNuTz - 30-03-2015

(30-03-2015, 09:44 AM)r3k1355 Wrote:
(29-03-2015, 08:39 PM)bigcheez2k3 Wrote: Thing that annoys me about the online mode is randomers killing you. It's pretty good if you get on with a few people you know, can just load up a car and go crazy.

Yo thats me.
Spend many hours killing random people for the lulz.

(29-03-2015, 08:46 PM)bigcheez2k3 Wrote: Playing online is just like life, people are idiots.

and it crashes all the time, which is amazingly frustrating, or randomly stops, or has annoying bugs.

I've heard the Xbox online is much more stable than PS3 online tho??
This is why I want to try and get a bunch of us together that can all play as a crew (hoping there is enough pc gamers on here to do so!), anyone who watches a lot of YouTube gaming might be aware of the likes of speedyw03 and vanossgaming and their respective crews, that's the kind of vibe I was hoping to try and recreate through the forum. Wink

RE: Gta5 - bashbarnard - 30-03-2015

(30-03-2015, 10:47 AM)WiNgNuTz Wrote:
(30-03-2015, 09:44 AM)r3k1355 Wrote:
(29-03-2015, 08:39 PM)bigcheez2k3 Wrote: Thing that annoys me about the online mode is randomers killing you. It's pretty good if you get on with a few people you know, can just load up a car and go crazy.

Yo thats me.
Spend many hours killing random people for the lulz.

(29-03-2015, 08:46 PM)bigcheez2k3 Wrote: Playing online is just like life, people are idiots.

and it crashes all the time, which is amazingly frustrating, or randomly stops, or has annoying bugs.

I've heard the Xbox online is much more stable than PS3 online tho??
This is why I want to try and get a bunch of us together that can all play as a crew (hoping there is enough pc gamers on here to do so!), anyone who watches a lot of YouTube gaming might be aware of the likes of speedyw03 and vanossgaming and their respective crews, that's the kind of vibe I was hoping to try and recreate through the forum. Wink

I am in! Next mo th when I have money to pay for it.