18-03-2014, 06:48 PM
this is a bit of an experiment on my part after reading a post on the Facebook 306oc page.
after some investigation ive decided on a have a go approach
theroy is to use Electrolisis to clean rusty parts before painting
I have a nice Pair of 18mm Hubs complet with ABS sensor and bearings to experiment with
im not going to strip them down till after as the circlip is rusted in so fingers crossed the circlip,bearing,abs sensor and all can be removed with little effort
so here we go
Things needed
the bucket needs to be big enough to hold the part without touching the sides.
Soda Crystals
these are used for cleaning £1 per KG from Tesco on the washing powder isle
Piece wood
broom handle of the likes used to suspend the item to be cleaned
Battery charger
cheap battery charger not the auto type that shuts down or any DC powersupply
Mild steal
this is used as an + electrode in the solution
Mig wire or something like used for suspending work
How ive done it
my bucket is a 25ltr contaner, i have rolled a piece of mild steal to line the bucket this is going to be the Positive terminal
![[Image: DSCF1309.jpg]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/cully/Electrolisis%20cleaning%20of%20rusty%20car%20parts/DSCF1309.jpg)
as said the soda crystals have come from Tescos £1 per bag, the soda crystals are used to make the water conduct electricity to enable the electrolisis to take place
![[Image: DSCF1310.jpg]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/cully/Electrolisis%20cleaning%20of%20rusty%20car%20parts/DSCF1310.jpg)
ive added 15ltrs of water to the bucket and 1.5 packets of soda
this was a mistake as this mix draws tomuch current!
i would probably go for 15ltrs to 0.5 bag nextt time
![[Image: DSCF1311.jpg]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/cully/Electrolisis%20cleaning%20of%20rusty%20car%20parts/DSCF1311.jpg)
next get your rusty part
connect multiple wires to the part to suspend it into the solution
![[Image: DSCF1312.jpg]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/cully/Electrolisis%20cleaning%20of%20rusty%20car%20parts/DSCF1312.jpg)
use wooden pole to suspend the part into the liqued solution, place part in such a way as for it to be NOT touching the sides/positive electrode.
connect the part to the Negative/0volt rail of the battery charger,
connect the mild steal plate outer to the 12volt rail of the charger,
![[Image: DSCF1313.jpg]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/cully/Electrolisis%20cleaning%20of%20rusty%20car%20parts/DSCF1313.jpg)
turn on the charger! after a while the solution should start to fizz (if the part isnt touching the outer)
![[Image: DSCF1314.jpg]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/cully/Electrolisis%20cleaning%20of%20rusty%20car%20parts/DSCF1314.jpg)
if you mix the solution to strong you will draw a lot of current!
![[Image: DSCF1316.jpg]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/cully/Electrolisis%20cleaning%20of%20rusty%20car%20parts/DSCF1316.jpg)
thats it for Science part1
i now have to wait 12hours for the magic of Electrolisis to take place
good or bad
after some investigation ive decided on a have a go approach

theroy is to use Electrolisis to clean rusty parts before painting
I have a nice Pair of 18mm Hubs complet with ABS sensor and bearings to experiment with
im not going to strip them down till after as the circlip is rusted in so fingers crossed the circlip,bearing,abs sensor and all can be removed with little effort
so here we go
Things needed
the bucket needs to be big enough to hold the part without touching the sides.
Soda Crystals
these are used for cleaning £1 per KG from Tesco on the washing powder isle
Piece wood
broom handle of the likes used to suspend the item to be cleaned
Battery charger
cheap battery charger not the auto type that shuts down or any DC powersupply
Mild steal
this is used as an + electrode in the solution
Mig wire or something like used for suspending work
How ive done it
my bucket is a 25ltr contaner, i have rolled a piece of mild steal to line the bucket this is going to be the Positive terminal
![[Image: DSCF1309.jpg]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/cully/Electrolisis%20cleaning%20of%20rusty%20car%20parts/DSCF1309.jpg)
as said the soda crystals have come from Tescos £1 per bag, the soda crystals are used to make the water conduct electricity to enable the electrolisis to take place
![[Image: DSCF1310.jpg]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/cully/Electrolisis%20cleaning%20of%20rusty%20car%20parts/DSCF1310.jpg)
ive added 15ltrs of water to the bucket and 1.5 packets of soda
this was a mistake as this mix draws tomuch current!
i would probably go for 15ltrs to 0.5 bag nextt time
![[Image: DSCF1311.jpg]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/cully/Electrolisis%20cleaning%20of%20rusty%20car%20parts/DSCF1311.jpg)
next get your rusty part
connect multiple wires to the part to suspend it into the solution
![[Image: DSCF1312.jpg]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/cully/Electrolisis%20cleaning%20of%20rusty%20car%20parts/DSCF1312.jpg)
use wooden pole to suspend the part into the liqued solution, place part in such a way as for it to be NOT touching the sides/positive electrode.
connect the part to the Negative/0volt rail of the battery charger,
connect the mild steal plate outer to the 12volt rail of the charger,
![[Image: DSCF1313.jpg]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/cully/Electrolisis%20cleaning%20of%20rusty%20car%20parts/DSCF1313.jpg)
turn on the charger! after a while the solution should start to fizz (if the part isnt touching the outer)
![[Image: DSCF1314.jpg]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/cully/Electrolisis%20cleaning%20of%20rusty%20car%20parts/DSCF1314.jpg)
if you mix the solution to strong you will draw a lot of current!
![[Image: DSCF1316.jpg]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/cully/Electrolisis%20cleaning%20of%20rusty%20car%20parts/DSCF1316.jpg)
thats it for Science part1
i now have to wait 12hours for the magic of Electrolisis to take place
good or bad